Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Art of Drinking

Many people all over the world have had a beer or two at least. However, there is a way to drink beer just the same as it is a way of doing everything else. For example, always tip your glass over slightly to prevent getting too much fuss. Also, never gulp your beer down, but sip it slowly. Never drink more than your limit. And, don’t substitute drinking for dealing with your problems. Regular drinkers should always eat well-balanced nutritional meals.


Best beer just for the taste



Budweiser light


Miller lite

Milwaukee’s best light


Samuel Adams



Best beer for hanging out

Miller genuine draft beer

Bud ice



Best beer after a hard day of work




Michelob lager



Best beer for when you are having a hard time relaxing

Budweiser black crown

Schlitz high gravity lager


Colt 45 high gravity lager



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Does your mate find you boring?

They've stopped calling you

They constantly role their eyes when they see you

They look around the room while you are talking

They stopped including you in their activities