Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Signs you have a real G

Image result for good looking man

He pays for your date or lets you know he expects you to chip in with advance notice.

His wardrobe consists of the latest style of suits, ties, dress shoes, denim, and sneakers.

His cologne is expensive.

He keeps his cool no matter what happens.

He knows how to defend himself.

He knows how to cook and clean.

He introduces you to his children.

He drives an expensive car or otherwise it is clean.

He always treats you as if you are special while you are together.

He lets you know when you are slipping.

He has his own apartment or has a good living relationship with his family or roommate.

He gives you gifts just because he loves you.

He knows how to rise to the occasion.

He’s attentive in bed.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

How to Fall in Love with Your Children

How to Relax While Your Children are Away

Rules for Picking Up the Opposite Sex

Smart Questions to Ask While On a Date

Image result for couple on date

Dating can be fun and exciting. But, it can also be a time of discomfort. You wonder if he really likes you. you don't know if he will call you back. Also, you may wonder if he's married, single, or just looking for a fling. Some smart questions to ask to help you avoid getting dumped on top of are as follows:

  1. Are you married?
  2. Do you have a girl friend?
  3. Are you seriously involved?
  4. If it's not serious between you, does she know it?
  5. How long has it been since your last love relationship?
  6. Why did you break up?
  7. What type of work do you do for a living?
  8. What do you do with your spare time?
  9. What college did you or do you attend?
  10. Do you have any children?
  11. What are your children ages?
  12. Where do they live?
  13. Do you come to this restaurant often?
  14. Are you enjoying your meal?
  15. Would you like to see me again?

How Your Family Can Survive Apartment Living With an Autistic Child