Tuesday, November 4, 2014

living with Someone Who is Mentally Ill

Things seemed to be going pretty good for me. I was happier than I had been for a while. And, I was feeling more positive about the future. I had just published an article about bad relationships. It felt good to me to know that I could help prevent someone else from getting their heart broken.


His voice was distinct. “What were you thinking about back then”, he asked me. The article was about a bad experience I had with him. Since I had forgiven him and no longer had a problem discussing my love life, I responded. Unaware that something was wrong. This is until I notice that I had been rehashing the same conversation with him for three days and he had been questioning me til the wee hours of the morning.

Almost on que, he began discussing an issue I had at work involving who he claimed was a close relative and a colleague that I had been secretly flirting with at work. He began ranting and raving when he realized I couldn’t answer his question concerning her employment situation. He went on to accuse me of trying to steal her boyfriend and mistreating her at work. He also told me that he had been practicing roots to help her get him back.

I couldn’t convince him otherwise until much later on. Then he began claiming he never cared about her and gave her bad advice on how to get a man is the real reason she was getting her heart broken by our colleague. He said she had been picking fun of how big he had gotten and he had begun bragging about how good I looked when he was with me. And he said she didn’t like me because of it.

“He was hooked on drugs real bad and needed someone in the family who had money and could attract attention”, he said.

After a year and a half of bickering back and forth, I became sick and tired of it. Hopefully, he’ll get tired of bothering me, I thought. The whole entire time having a suspicion that this was not the end of it.

He confirmed my suspicions by telling me that he was in love with me. I remember feeling afraid. I asked him how he fell in love with me. It had been almost two decades since we have been together. And, we weren’t on speaking terms when I left him alone.

He told me that I had been sneaking and asking him questions and communicating with him for a very long time and he got tired of trying to find things out for me. Shocked, I told him that I had been trying to develop my spiritual side and thought I had a guardian angel helping me out.

This is when he told me he was a schizophrenic who never went to the doctor because he was in a state of denial. After I questioned him further, he told me that he was hooked on a harsh drug and he couldn’t use that drug and a street drug. Besides he didn’t care about himself and he was going to die soon and he wanted to get revenge on us first.

He chose not to do anything about his problems because he had gotten to up in age. And, because of his disease and his drugs, he couldn’t do much better. So he chose to talk to us in this way because he couldn’t get us to come back around him again. This is what he told me. He also told me his family abandoned him because of how he treated them when he was sick. And, the rest of his family had passed away.

After, I questioned behavior further, he told me that he be trying to block something out by running his mouth the way he do. He said he believed he may drugged someone up really badly and killed them that way or by beating them up.

Constantly, he talk about how poor, homeless, and hungry he is. And, he needed me to give him a place to live. He didn’t care if I liked him or wanted him or not. The government didn’t cut him a check is what he told me. He said he knew I had some money and needed to borrow some to pay for some more drugs. He was hurting real bad over his personal business and we were hurting him by not wanting him to talk.

This must be before he “flipped out” is what he call it. He kept claiming he was turning into someone else. I just happened to notice that it was always one of his relatives, me or one of my exes for the most part. He constantly ruminates about these people’s personal business.

I felt frightened and alone. I believe that other people are going through the same thing I am going through. This is what keeps me going. Every once in a while, someone who sounded to be one of us would tell me what he was trying to talk to me about or what he was trying to get accomplished. But, he would convince me that it was him the whole entire time. He later told me that he was trying to ignore them for abandoning him and he was jealous because they said something to me, but would never say anything to them unless they were cursing him out real bad or picking fun of him.

I was too embarrassed to talk to other people about this problem. For a while, I wondered if it was my fault.

It became a nightmare. He began claiming to be Nostradamus and started claiming he knew everything. He began telling me things about my life that I never told anyone before. He also bragged about being able to make things happen. He said he hadn’t used his brain and had gotten up in age is the reason he was able to use him brain so well. Such as to cause something to happen to someone.

He told me he didn’t believe in God anymore because He was trying to make him pay the consequences for all the nasty things he has done to people. His disease was the reason he said. So why should he have to suffer like everybody else. He also told me that he believed that God wanted him to apologize for how he treated me and he thought he was going to die afterwards. That was one reason he chose to keep hurting me, maybe it’ll keep him alive, he said.

He told me that he snuck and found out that I put his personal belongings out of my apartment because i had a premonition that he was going to kill me one day and didn't get the opportunity to finish the job. Someone who appeared to be his grand mother told him not to try to hurt me. He told her that I had almost sunk in quick sand when I was a little girl and suppose to be dead. That I got away with being alive.

He also told me that he didn't know who i am anymore and wanted to spy on me and my colleague so that he could find out how we got to become who we are. And, once he does that, he will then start coming outside. He thought he was going to snap out of his problem and curse us out if he saw us in the streets if we say anything about the way he's treating us he because he knows he's sick.

He also told me that his relatives told him how to deal with his schizophrenia. The part of his brain that controls logical thoughts has closed up because he hasn't used that spot. He also told me that he was mentally retardit on top of schizophrenic.

He told me that I know to much about who I am for him to pop out on me. He said usually when he pop out in front of people they usually get sick and go in the house and he then could rome the streets so to speak.

He told me when he popped out looking angry that he didn't get a chance to find out what happened to the relationship we had and wanted to see if we could get back together.

he told me that when he pops out looking goofy, he had been planning on getting something accomplished and had forgotten who he is or what he was getting ready to do.

I'm a psycopath is what he told me. I noticed that everyone he was pretending to be was nasty and angry and ultimately only served to make people sick. For example, if I'm trying to relax and watch a movie, he will pretend to be someone who likes to talk a whole lot. Once I'm upset to the point that i don't hardly want to be bothered, he will pretend to be someone who does a really good job of dressing up and hanging out and pick fun of my inability to get it together. When he wanted me to allow him to get away with playing mind games with me, he pretended to be his mom. If I'm in a really good mood, he begins talking about how broke and poor he is and how bad he resides and he does it for such a long time.

If im happy about a guy, he will start disclosing personal information about them such as they're in bed with a woman or that they don't reaaly like me. The idea that it could be the truth is upsetting enough. But, when i try to focus on something or someone else he justs keep going.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

4 Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms

Get recipe...

Stuffed Meat Loaf

Get recipe...

Signs You Should Stop Pursuing Him

Women have stepped away from old-fashioned traditions in order to find love. But, in your quest to find true love, unfortunately, sometimes you can get hurt or end up disappointed. Don't waste any more time. When should you cut your losses?


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Man for Grabs---Price Negotiable?

You know you want him. But as many women have discovered in their attempt to get a man, sometimes when you think you have come out on top, you often find yourself at the bottom mentally, emotionally, and financially. When will you stop bidding?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Benefits of Owning a Day Bed

Flirting in The Danger Zone!

There's nothing wrong with flirting or being flirted with. It helps you to put your relationship in perspective if you are involved with someone, boosts your self confidence, and helps you feel desirable. But are there situations in which you shouldn't as much blink in another direction? Of course. And, knowing what they are can help keep you in the clear.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

How to tell if your boyfriend is jealous of you

He tags along with you where ever you go.

It appears that you have many of the same hobbies and interests.

His grooming habits are better than yours.

You are expected to share every thing you have with him.

He constantly puts you down.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tips on Becoming and Staying Organized

Be honest with yourself

Your brain makes it possible for you to process information and execute commands that you give it. If you are busy telling yourself that you want something, but you are longing for something else, you become confused.

And as a result, you may walk around in a daze--- unable to get very much accomplished. Or you may not be able to put forth the necessary time and energy to get what you want. If you are unsure about what you want, take notice of the activities that occupy the majority of your time.

Become the inventor

Many products that consumers buy become part of their clutter rather than helping them to get rid of it. If you discover a better way of doing things or have an idea that will improve a product, by all means give it a go.

Join shopaholics anonymous

Did you really want that new blouse? It's not like you don't already have enough clothing to haul to the dry cleaners. And, do you really have anywhere to put that new nit nat that you just eyed? The answer is probably NO! Admitting to this will help you down the road to becoming more organized

Friday, July 25, 2014

Lower your weekly grocery bill

Make more than one trip to the grocery store

On your first visit, purchase the things that you need the most such as produce, bread, milk, eggs,and seasonings to be sure that you can whip up a delicious home-cooked meal any time. Your return trip should be for things you want but don't really have to have. Some stores have sales on items that you often use. So it pays to shop around.

Don't linger around too long 

The music that grocery stores play have managed to bring tears to even the toughest of people. As a result, if you are not careful, you can find yourself with a cart full of items that can easily break your budget.
Shop alone 
You don't have to worry about becoming embarrassed in front of other shoppers and store employees when either your mate or children begin throwing things that you don't eat o can't afford into your grocery cart. Instead, surprise them with  delicious home-cooked meals and snacks that everyone can enjoy.  
Prepare your own condiments
Not only can condiments inch themselves on your hips, but they can also inch up your grocery bill. Many recipe books offer recipes that are simple to make and delicious without all the added toppings. If you must have them, try making them yourself.
Grocery shop at stores where good-looking people shop
It can be just enough to motivate you to put that fattening dessert back on the shelf.

How looking like your teenager can improve your relationship

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spaghetti and Bluecheese


1 package ground sausage

1 box of spaghetti

1and 1/2 jar tomatoe sauce

1 package of garlic croutons

1 container of blue cheese

1/3 cup worcestershire sauce

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup ketchup

salt and pepper to taste


Heat the oven to 425 degrees farenheit. Cook spaghetti according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a medium sauce pan, brown the ground sausage. Drain the fat. Once spaghetti is tender, place the spaghetti in a colander to drain the water. Allow the spaghetti to sit for about 2 minutes. Return the spaghetti to the pot.Add the sausage, tomatoe sauce, ketchup, worcestershire sauce, and salt and pepper. Stir the ingredients together. Place the spaghetti into a baking dish. Top with the bluecheese and croutons. Bake until the croutons are soft and the cheese has melted.

Monday, April 28, 2014

What his voice reveals about his personality

What does your income say about you?

How to tell if your man loves you

Whats in a Bag

You're a sophisticated woman with people to see, places to go, and things to do. And when you do, you want to impress. Avoid having an embarrissing moment by making sure your purse always has the following:

Nail repair kit

Nail polish

A make-up bag

Breath mints or gum

tooth paste (travel size)

A comb and brush

Extra tamons or pads

Change of under garments


deordarant (travel size)

hair wash

A bottle of club soda

Your favorite pain reliever

A healthy snack

A box of condoms

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

10 Ways to Increase Your Joy Daily

Tell a joke

Play games with your children

Look at photos of fun memories

Prepare your favorite meal

Fix your favorite drink

Chat with God

Put a tedious task to the side

Buy something amusing

Wear your favorite colors

Put on comfortable shoes

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Are adults more sensitive than children?

Research has proven that indeed adults are more sensitve than children. Some of the reasons are as follows:

When children are not feeling well, regardless of the reason, they are often doled with attention and pity. However when an adult is not feeling well or grieving, they are still expected to perform at top level.

Children can get away with making some decisions using their emotional state strictly. However, adults are expected to be able to pay close and careful attention and make decisions irregardless of their emotional state, which at times is not often easy.

Children have more room to vent when they are upset. When adults argue and fight, even when they agree to make up there is still usually some resentment or hostility. But, when children get into fights or arguments usually they can find a quiet room to listen to the radio, aplogize and move foward with the friendship.

Adults have more responsibility than children. Often children can fantasize about what is happening and about the future and live in a state of euphoria. But as adults age, old defenses and ways of coping with problems and issues can wear away causing even more problems and emotional turmoil.

As adults age and mature the stakes become higher. For example a teenager is expected to date more than one individual, be indecisive about what they want to do for a living, and they have some room to find out who they are. But by a certain age, an adult is held more accountable for their actions by their peers, employers, friends, and the universe.

As a result, adults can live in constant fear of not being able to survive or not being good enough. Because adults relationships are expected to become more serious as they age, it raises the discomfort level as for as becoming intimate is concerned.

Monday, February 17, 2014

What do to when he says goodbye?

Breaking up can be difficult for both people ending a relationship. You may feel many emotions including anger, disappointment, jealousy, envy, guilt, and sorrow. However, you can't let these emotions determine whether or not you are able to survive and move on with your life. Following these tips will allow you to continue to hold your head up high and move on with grace.

Acknowledge the fact that the relationship is over.

You may feel like arguing with him or begging him to come back. You may also be tempted to make promises you can't keep in order to keep him from leaving. But, you should accept the fact that the relationship is over. Your mate may know this even if you don't. The reasons why are unimportant at this particuliar time.

Think about the advantages of being apart

Maybe you really wanted to be single all long. Here's your opportunity to get out on the single's scene. If you wanted to pursue a new career, at this time you may be able to do so. Or perhaps you enjoyed lounging around the house. You no longer have to worry about him telling you what to do or when to do it.

Think of it as a learning experience

If it was a bad relationship, you should view the relationship as a chanceto find out who you are and as a opportunity to grow. Accept the lesson and use it to improve your future relationship.

Affirm the positive

Don't think that you will never meet someone else that will love and care about you. Instead affirm that you have been loved before; and therefore you will be loved by another mate. If you were hurt, know that you will get past the pain and begin feeling good again.

Take care of yourself

Continue to eat properly. Perform household chores to the best of your ability. Visit a spa and let someone else pamper you.

Look for new opportunities to find love

Don't immediately begin to search for someone who looks like or reminds you of your ex. Get to know different people. Spend more time with your children doing the things that they love. They will probably give you joy also. Buy a vase of flowers or get a pet.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Ultimate Steak Sandwhich

4 slices of skirt steak
4 thin slices of roast beef
1 package of blue cheese
4 slices of bacon
2 slices of red onions
2 tsp. of butter
kosher salt
black pepper
2 tsps. of olive oil
 hamburger buns
steak sauce

Stuffed tomatoes and sausage

4 ripe and firm tomatoes
1 package cheddar cheese
4 eggs
1 package of bacon
1 container of whipped cream
1 bell pepper
1/4 cup olive oil

Cherry Cream Sundae

1 pound of cherries

1 package of marshmallows

½ cup of peanuts

16 oz package of baker’s chocolate

Vanilla ice cream


In a champagne glass, add desired amount of ice cream, chocolate pieces, cherries, marshmallows, and peanuts.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Hush puppies Italian

2 cups of Italian bread crumbs

1/2 cup cornmeal

1 egg, lightly beaten

1 cup of evaporated milk

 1 cup ground beef

2 tsp. parmesan cheese

1/3 cup of diced bell peppers

1/3 cup of diced onions

1 container of spaghetti sauce (optional)

In a medium size frying pan, heat 2 and ½ cups of olive oil on medium heat. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl mix together the bread crumbs and eggs. Gradually stir in the milk until the mixture is thick and smooth. Once oil is hot, using a medium size spoon, drop in the batter. Allow the batter to cook for 5 to 10 minutes or until hushpuppies are golden brown. Top with spaghetti sauce if desired.

Berry Delight Smoothie

3 and 1/2  cups of milk

2 cups of whipping cream

1 cup of fresh raspberries

1 cup of fresh blueberries

4 cups of crushed ice

1 tsp. of vanilla

1 container of whipped cream


In a blender, add all the ingredients. Blend until the smoothie is smooth and creamy. Add more or less milk to desired thickness.


Makes 4 to 5 servings

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What Does Your Child Really Want?

Why Do I Want It So Much?

Sex can be a wonderful experience for many people. But, as good as sex can feel, the hangover is not always sweet. What do you do when your relationships always end on a bitter note? Does the after taste stick to you like a piece of bitter sweet chocolate lingering on your tongue? These tips will help you to pick up the pieces and move on to finding lasting love and intimacy.


Don’t mistake sex for love

Many women attempt to measure how much their mate loves them by the amount of time they spend having intercourse. But, unless you two share some genuine, warm feelings for each other, you are no closer to finding lasting love than a bird trying to fly without wings.

Men are often excited about and enjoy having sex with different women. So, just because he’s in a good mood or performs very well doesn’t mean he has feelings for you conducive to a serious, love relationship.


Don’t think sex can substitute for love

Remember Romancing the Stone. In this movie, the leading stars appear to have loving feelings toward each other, although they are constantly on the verge of killing each other. You don’t want your romance to leave you with emotional repercussions. Nor do you want a tragedy. It’s okay to try and keep thinks heated in the bedroom. But, if your mate is not spending quality time with you outside of this area, you may want to keep your options open.


Don’t ignore the way you feel

Lots of people, because of the way they perceive their childhood experiences, grow up feeling as if they are unlovable or incapable of being loved. These people can’t stand their own company because they don’t like themselves very much. As a result, they try to keep as many people around them as possible. However, unfortunately, they often are drawn to people who will ultimately abandon them or break their hearts in some other way.


Don’t neglect other areas of your life

Sex cannot replace your career, children, money, friends, or a good mate. Balance is the key. Your romantic life is only a small piece of the pie. Doing so will keep sex from meaning so much that it becomes detrimental to your emotion, physical, and emotional well being.

Are You An Impulse Shopper?

How many times have you gone into the store and without much thought picked up an item and placed it into your cart regardless of whether or not you could really afford it or not.

You are known to be an impulse shopper. Someone who’s subconscious desires and other emotions lead them to shop.

However, how many times have you put back a new item thinking that you already have one or too many only to discover later on that you needed it? For example, you put back that new bottle of bubble bath, just to discover that your kids have pissed you off quite terribly. Or maybe you already have an assortment of hammers only to discover that the one you really need is missing.

Could you be an impulse shopper or is the universe just helping you out. And if so how can you tell?

If the item is something that you will really need, you will zero in on the item without being able to walk away immediately?

Once you walk away from the item, you sense that you need to go back and pick up?

You continue to notice the item in other people’s cart, almost as if it is staring you in the face?

If you answer yes to all of these questions , then there is a good chances that God’s heavenly angels are with you.

Monday, January 27, 2014

How Much Freedom Should Your Teenager Be Allowed to Have?

What Does Your Tears Mean?

Crying for Naught

Many people have gone through a box of napkins, crying over some person or event that has them feeling upset or distraught. However, they are often in a state of denial or oblivious to the real reason they are in tears. So they continue to cry over the perceived issue or another human being.  As a result, they are unable to release their pain. These people often cry when they should be rejoicing and doing the latter when they should be doing the former.


Crying to Purge

When people are on the verge of getting over something or someone, they will usually take a deep breath and wipe their tears away. A sense of relief, peace, and calm will come over them. And they know everything will be alright. They have made a conscious decision to acknowledge, accept, or release their problems. They will do this even if they find themselves wailing up with tears in the future.


Crocodile Tears

People that shed these types of tears are not really crying, but are using their tears as a ploy to get what they want. And, this is a sad thing, because this person is more than likely someone that needs to express and deal with their emotional state. And, unfortunately they can’t even admit to their wrong doings, because they can’t let these people in on how they really feel. A stranger may be able to get them to open up and talk about their problems and emotional state, but not for long.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mouth Watering Deluxe Chicken Sandwhich

4 slices extra thick good quality turkey or chicken breast

8 slices thick cut bacon strips

1 container of cream cheese spread

4 slices thinly sliced watermelon pieces

4 slices mozzarella cheese

1 pinch of oregano

salt and pepper to taste

8 slices extra thick wheat bread

4 pieces of sliced lettuce

Spread desired amount of  cream cheese spread onto the bread. Add the lettuce, mozzarella cheese, watermelon slice, bacon strips, turkey or chicken breast, and oregano and salt and pepper. Serve with or without a tooth pick. Enjoy!

Chocolate Mango Smoothie

Delight someone this Valentine’s Day with this delicious treat!

2 cups Herschey's syurb

1 cup mangos, sliced

½ cup whipping cream

½ cup sugar

1 teaspoon of vanilla

2 cups of ice

Add all the ingredients to a blender, and blend until smoothie is smooth and creamy.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Inexpensive Ways to Stay Warm This Winter


A shot of alcohol

A cup of tea

Putting on extra layers of clothing

Playing with the children

Spending time out side in the elements

Walking briskly

How Your Personal Business Can Affect Your Work World

Why Can't I Just Say It!

Many people, without knowing the reasons, find it hard to take care of themselves. When the time comes for them to speak up, for some reason or another they just can't find the strength or courage to do so. As a result, we miss out on opportunities to grow, succeed, and get what you want and need. This article gives you tips that will help you say something.

Feelings of worthlessness

When you don’t value yourself, you are prone to allowing people to mistreat or take advantage of you without taking up for yourself. You sit or stand back and watch as other people make major decisions about your time and your life. Once you begin to think more highly of yourself, your feelings about who you are will begin to change, also. At this point, you will become outraged about any injustices against yourself. And, you will become less able to tolerate it.

Hurt feelings

When you think highly of other people, their opinions of who you are matters. When these people mention your flaws or say something that reminds you of how you really feel about yourself, you can feel your pain to the extent that you can’t defend yourself. Usually you have an exaggerated sense of who you are to begin with and have begun using drugs, alcohol, or other people to relieve your low sense of self.

You’re guilty of the same thing

Adults are expected to set an example for their children. You may try to hide certain things from them. For example, you may be experimenting with drugs, you may have become promiscuous, or you may have begun over shopping. Of course, you don’t want your children to continue the same destructive behavior. But, to our dismay, we find out that they have begun doing the same things. Once you admit that you are causing yourself harm and that you need to stop the negative behavior will you begin to be able to have a discussion.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Chocolate Almond Smoothy

1 cup Almond Breeze vanilla milk
2 cups of ice
1 cup of almonds
1 cup chocolate cocoa powder
½ cup of sugar

Blend all the ingrdients in the blender until smooth. Enjoy.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

I Can't Believe It---The Craziest Things People Do


A baller, confident and attractive, is someone that knows how to live life to the fullest. He does every thing with taste, style, and class. And certainly he knows what a lady wants.  He leaves each of his dates feeling as if they are important and as if they can have everything they want. When she walks off, she is smiling, satisfied, and looking foward to seeing him again very soon. At work he performs at top level, and even when he is lounging he is busy making sure that everything is up-to-par.

Baller at work

Baller on a date

The scenario

Lenox mall

NorthLake mall

Arts Center

Downtwon Atlanta





Baller hanging out with the fellows

Baller's down time