Be honest with yourself
Your brain makes it possible for you to process information and execute commands that you give it. If you are busy telling yourself that you want something, but you are longing for something else, you become confused.
And as a result, you may walk around in a daze--- unable to get very much accomplished. Or you may not be able to put forth the necessary time and energy to get what you want. If you are unsure about what you want, take notice of the activities that occupy the majority of your time.
Become the inventor
Many products that consumers buy become part of their clutter rather than helping them to get rid of it. If you discover a better way of doing things or have an idea that will improve a product, by all means give it a go.
Join shopaholics anonymous
Did you really want that new blouse? It's not like you don't already have enough clothing to haul to the dry cleaners. And, do you really have anywhere to put that new nit nat that you just eyed? The answer is probably NO! Admitting to this will help you down the road to becoming more organized