For many people the holidays are a joyous time of year. We get to spend time with family we haven't seen in a while, prepare and enjoy delicious dishes and participate in festivities. But, for many, the holidays can bring about feelings of sadness and pain. Not everyone has close family friends to enjoy the holiday with. However, you still don't have to sit at home feeling sorry for yourself. These tips will help get you through the holidays.
Turn off the stereo.
Don't listen to holiday songs about broken hearts and people sitting in front of the fireplace. You'll only end up feeling more depressed.
Accept others invitation for dinner.
If someone invites you over, don't turn them down. You might have a better time than you expect.
Throw a party.
Invite your coworkers and aquaintances. Ask them to bring their friends along. There's a chance that you will make new friends or meet your next sweetheart. If not, atleast you're not alone for awhile.
Rent funny movies.
Okay, maybe you really don't feel like being bothered. Watching funny movies will keep you laughing into the wee hours of the morning.
Read a good book.
Curling up under a good book canbe a wonderful experience. You'll feel as if you know the characters and get absorbed into what is happening.
Send your friends and colleagues a Christmas card.
Giving from the heart is one of the best cures for depression.
Don't over drink or use drugs.
You'll only end up feeling even worse.
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