Needless to say, it's not easy being a single mother. You have countless responsibilities and many people depending on you for advice and support. But, don't fret. There are some things you can do tomake your life alot easier.
Perform household chores at night.
During this time, the kids have begun to settle down after playing, arguing and fighting, and doing their homework. Things are less hectic and the house has quieted down.
Get plenty of rest.
Sleep helps to repair our bodies. Eight hours of sleep should be sufficient for you to wake up refreshed and ready to start the day.
Prepare meals in advance.
Prepare several dishes in advance to avoid having to cook after a hard days work. Food can be stored in storage-safe containers for up to three days.
Get to know your neighbors.
A trusted neighbor may keep an eye on your kids in the event that they make it home before you.
Choose your childcare providers wisely.
You can't function at work if you are worried about the way your child is being cared for. Before choosing a daycare or childcare provider, visit the center and take a look around. Use your intuition. Do you feel the staff is friendly and caring or just want to collect a paycheck? Do you have a hard time walking off after you have left your children? Talk with the staff and teachers about their teaching styles, styles of discipline, and meals. Is the center nice and clean? Check for their credentials.
Set aside a time for family discussions.
This may be best done over meals. Talk to your children about their teachers, friends, homework, and their activities. You will show your kids that you love and care about them and decrease the likelihood that they will participate in self-destructive behavior.
Make sure that your contact numbers are up to date.
Your kids should know exactly how to reach you at work. And, so should their teachers incase of an emergency.
Save up money for emergencies.
You will have more peace of mind. You will also have more energy to focus on other things such as your children's soccer game or their high school prom.
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