Being impolite
Your mom taught you better. Those little things such as holding the door open, allowing your date to be seated before you sit down, and not eating off your date's plate can still get you a long way when you are trying to woo the opposite sex.
Bad Breath
Your date has to atleast be able to sit across from you to be able to get to know you.
Appearing uneducated
Your date can be turned off by you if you don't know what is going on in the world, mispronounce words, or use them out of context.
Being Cheap
Don't order the cheapest thing on the menu. Your date may think you have issues with self worth. Furthermore, do not take your date to the least expensive place in the neighborhood. They will think that you will skimp them in other ways if you are to get involved.
Being overly critical
You may think you are offering helpful suggestions. but the truth is your date dosen't know you well enough for your opionion to mean a whole lot. Also, they may think that they will have to work too hard to get and keep your approval in the future.
Constantly talking about yourself will make your date wonder if you are really interested in getting to know them or if you just need someone else to help you feel good about yourself.
Once your date catches you in a lie, they cannot be sure what else you have lied about and how often you will lie in the fututre.
Constantly leaving the table
Your date will begin to think there is someone else who is more worthy of your time.
Being late
The above still applies.
Lack of common interests
Your date may not think that you don't have enough in common for them to continue to call.
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