Everyone has some housekeeping to do. You know the routine throw this away, donate this, scrub that away. But, sometimes we have a hard time getting rid of things such as left over love, anger, depression and the like, and bad habits. We may think that we have, but later notice it's funk still hanging around. Here's how to let go for real and for good.
Pain from a broken heart
Your loved one has left you behind and it has become obvious that they are not interested in getting back with you. It can be hard to let go because of the emotional and sometimes financial investment that you have made within the relationship. But holding on to hope that you will reconciliate can only serve to keep you in pain. Begin to feel better by accepting the fact that your relationshipis over. You can do this by taking care of yourself, getting your needsmet by other people, and thinking about the qualities you would like your future mate to have. Getout ofthe house and start meeting new people right away!
There are many reasonswhy you are feeling down and in the dumps. Lack of exercise, poor diet, and negative thinking are all reasons why you may be finding it hard to get out of the bed and get your day going. Perhaps you have people in your life who are draining your energy by demanding too much mentally, physically, or financially. Give their burdens back to them by saying no. Replenish your energy by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, good carbohydrates, and drinking water.
Mental distress
Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Instead of taking responsibility froour actions, we choose to blame other people strictly for what has happened to us or what didn't go down. We can't admit the truth about onething or another and find ourselves constantly building ahouse of lies that we will eventually have to dig our way from underneath. We choose to believethe negative things that people say about us and live our lives accordingly---never pursuing the things that we want and deserve. You don't have to become a prisonerof your own thoughts.Break free and stop torturing yourself by thinking healthy thoughts and behaving accordingly.
We dislike in other people sometimes the same qualities weareguilty of having. Everybody is human. We are all here to learn andgrow---like it or not. And we all make mistakes. We have to learn to be patient with each other and more understanding. So the next time someone pisses you off or makesyou want to scream, do what Whitley from the popular show It's a different world would do---relax, relate, andrelease.