You got a good man. And you are interested in keeping him around for a while. Because the fact that you two like each other and really want to be together isn't enough, I have given you some tips that will help you to grow together as a couple.
Let him know that you like the opposite sex
Avoid making derogatory statements about men or alluding that you would like to be with a woman.
Show interest in his life
Don't just come around or call when you want or need something. Talk to your man just for the heck of it. Ask him about his day, his family, his job, and etc.
Keep things hopping in the bedroom
Men not only call woman who satisfy them in bed, but it also helps them to feel good about being around you.
Make him do right by you
Men can better enjoy the company of women who demand love and respect because he is not overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and shame about how he is treating you. It creates the right atmosphere for the relationship to grow.
Make sure he contributes appropriately to the household
A man takes his home and family more seriously if he is expected to split the bills in half, be concerned about your well being, and spend quality time as a family unit.
Let him know he is part of the family
Invite him to family gatherings and introduce him to your friends. Let him know what is going on as far as your clan is concerned. As him for his opinions about discipling the kids, decorating the home, meal planning, and spending money.
Introduce him to your children
Instead of only telling him their names and ages, talk to him about their personality, their likes and dislikes.
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