When two people are attracted to each other, the right mood and elements can create the tone for love. So if you're interested in seeing a lot more of your date, the following will help you do just that.
Wear something sexy, provocative, and classy.
Men enjoy using their imaginations.
Open your ears
Men enjoy talking about themselves. So listen intentavley as he talks about his job, kids, family, and etc. Be sensitive towards his problems even though you barely know each other.
Make sure seductive music plays in the background
This definitely creates an atmosphere inwhich love can blossom
Don't be jealous
Avoid getting upset when he notices other good-looking woman or when he's nice to them. His mom may have put him up to it.
Play with him
Bat your eye lashes, cross your legs, or touch him on the back. Do things that let's him know you want him.
This let's him know that you are not uptight and know how to have a good time.
Talk about the activities and characteristics that you have in common
He'll feel as if he has met a buddy as well as a new girlfriend.
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