Monday, December 30, 2013

Peachy Refreshing Cucumber Smoothie

1 cup fresh cucumber slices

2 cup  melon sliced

1 cup fresh peaches sliced
⅔ Cup real honey

2 cups crushed ice


Mix together all the ingredients in a blender until the drink is smooth. Pour into glasses. Enjoy

Saturday, December 28, 2013

10 most embarrissing moments and how to deal with them

Embarrassing moment

You were just about to make a purchase and realized you didn’t have any money.

What to do?

Smile at the customers behind you. Then smile and politely tell the cashier that you have forgotten your purse or wallet and you will have to cancel your transaction.

Embarrassing moment

You don’t have enough money to pay for your order while you are out on a date.

What to do?

Don’t panic? Politely excuse yourself from the table and ask to speak to manager. He/she will be able to tell you what you can do. Or try complaining about your meal in an effort to get away with out paying for it.

Embarrassing moment

You can’t hold your gas when someone else is approaching.

What to do?

Keep a straight face and look around the room as you walk off to keep everyone from knowing it was you. Or carry a small bottle of perfume or spray for this particular purpose.

Embarrassing moment

Someone asks you a question and you forgot to brush your teeth.

What to do?

Hold your breath as hard as you can as you respond. Or put your hands over your mouth as you respond and tell the person that you ate something that doesn’t smell all that great such as spicy lasagna.

Embarrassing moment

You are being watched by a woman who appears to think you are good looking and you almost tripped or fell.

What to do?

Jokingly tell her that you are still going through puberty. Or just get back up and keep moving as if nothing has happened.

Embarrassing moment

Your mate is smiling at another attractive individual

What to do?

Give this person a compliment. Smile along with them until they stop looking at them. Or if it takes too long, tell them that it is time to quit.

Embarrassing moment

Company comes over and your house is a mess.

What to do?

Pretend you are not at home and don’t even bother to look through the peep hole. Or tell them that you have been sick and wasn’t up to it.

Embarrassing moment

No one laughs at your jokes.

What to do?

Repeat the joke to make sure they heard you. Or even better admit that it wasn’t funny and begin working hard on a comeback. Then again you can try keeping a straight face from now on when you tell your jokes, just in case they didn’t know it was supposed to have been one.

Embarrassing moment

You are ignored by someone whom you are trying to speak.

What to do?

You can begin waving. Also, you can speak even louder in case they didn’t hear you. Or you can keep moving.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Avoid Blowing Up At Your Next Family Gathering

Acknowledge the ones that are responsible for putting the event together.

 Just because you are related to them and know them very well doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t give them their due respect. Show your appreciation for all the effort they put forth in order for you to have a good time.

Know the purpose of the family gathering

Did you come together to celebrate the holidays? If so, then deck the halls to be jolly or get the champagne flowing, etc. Or maybe you came together to celebrate a relative getting a good job or a good promotion. Either way it is a joyous occasion and should be treated as such.

Discuss any issues that you have been having with other family members in advance

Unless you are getting together for a knockout bash, work out your problems in advance. If you can’t---agree to get along for the sake of the other family members.

Leave your hang ups at the door

Right along with your coat, you should check your emotions at the door. This is not the time to grieve over what you feel your parents didn’t give you as a child. Nor is it the time to discuss deep family secrets.

Monitor your thoughts

Thoughts do travel. Thinking about how nasty your aunt’s potato salad tastes or how you wish your brother-in-law wouldn’t wear that ugly shirt again will definitely put a damper on the festivities.

Prep your guests before showing up
You may have told your mate or friends about all the evil things you perceive your relatives have done against you or said about you. And because they like you at least, they may want to defend you or get

revenge on your behalf. Let them know that this is not going to be the appropriate setting for such a thing and that they should be on their best behavior as well.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dinner Date Do's and Don'ts

Whipped Berry Surprise

2 containers of whip cream
1 container of pink sugar crystals
1 container of cherries
1 container of strawberries
1 container of rasberries
1 package of marshmallows
1 package of gummy bears

In a medium size container, add the whip cream. Next stir in all the other ingredients. Enjoy. Refrigerate leftovers in a storage container.

Chocolate Cookie Parfait


1 package13 oz short bread pecan cookies crumbled

1 package of shredded coconuts

2  (3.4 oz)  packages chocolate pudding

1 jar of fudge
1 container of whipped cream

 Prepare chocolate pudding according to package directions. In a champagne flute, add cookie crumbles to the bottom of the flute. Then continue to layer with cookies, chocolate pudding, shredded coconuts, and Hershey’s fudge. Top with whip cream.