Monday, June 25, 2012

Clean Your Home in a Hurry

image photo : Clean the window

It may be safe to say we can begin by going into those deep, dark, dank places we hate cleaning the most. But go we must! Just be careful, you may wander into some pretty horrible things that may get in the way of you and a home that is actually clean. The scene of the crime---the kitchen and bathroom. The enemy---bacteria, germs, soap scum, mold, mildew and the like. But don't get discouraged. Put on those gloves and ball up your fist. I'll be there with you every step of the way.

Where to begin
The kitchen is where you will find germs and bacteria. So be sure to clean all surfaces including the refrigerator, dishwasher, kitchen counters, dish racks, and cutting boards with a  solution that kills germs and bacteria. An all-purpose cleaner that is made from natural ingredients is a good investment.  Don't use this solution in your dish water, it may contain harsh chemicals that might make you sick.  Clean the light fixtures and walls after cooking. Avoid using wall paper. It's a magnet for grease.

 While the solution is soaking, lets move on to the bathroom. Here you want to use a bathroom cleaner that gets rid of mold and mildew. The bathroom can be a breeding ground for mold and mildew because of its dark, wet nature. To help combat this problem, leave the windows open to let in sunshine and fresh air. Many stores sale shower curtains for around a buck or two that you can use in addition to your favorite shower curtain. You won't cry when its time to throw them away.

In the Middle of Things

While this solution is attacking the soapscum, germs, bacteria, mod and mildew in the bathroom, we can move on to a more enjoyable task. Let's pick up and sort the towels and clothing that have been lying around the floor and objects in the house and place them in the hamper. This is also a good time to dust the ceiling fans, windowsills, and  blinds in the home. Apply furniture polish directly to sponge or clean white rag to polish wood surfaces. A clean sponge can be used to wipe down glass. Use a long handles duster to go along the top of the walls to prevent spider webs. Sweep the corners of the floor to remove any dust are food particles that may have accumulated. Also, check under the sofa cushions and behind the furniture.  Children like to throw things in these spaces for some reason. It can help create roaches.

Heat Things Up

Wash comforters, sheets, comforters, blankets, pillows, and pillow cases in hot water to destroy bed bugs. (Spraying the mattresses and rooms with lysol can also help with this problem.) Have your clothing dry cleaned. Heat bobby pins, safety pins, combs and brushes over the stove to help prevent lice. Just make sure that these items are not too close to the fire. Wiping things up in the bathroom should be easy by now and kitchen should be simple now.

Cooling Things Down

Remove the containers from the refrigerator and put them in the tub to be cleaned. Set the temperature to 40 degrees fahrenheit to keep your food safe and fresh and your freezer to 0 degrees fahrenheit. Use storage containers to store items such as sugar, flour, and meal. Those made out of nonplastic materials such as glass, ceramic, stoneware, and aluminum are safest. These ingredients can spill onto the shelves and create roaches. Use old talc to help feshen your trash cans.  Use a light weight vaccum cleaner to vaccum the floors.

How to Make Love to Your Man

image photo : Close-up portrait of a couple

Make sure that your body is clean.

Foul orders will destroy the mood and turn your lover off.

Decorate the room with your favorite scented candles, incense, or lights.

This will help to set the mood for romance.

Play soothing music in the background.

It is conducive to a relaxing environment and will help to drown out mental chatter.

Give each other a massge with the oil of your choice.

Not only will it help you to relax, you'll get to know your partner's body.

Look your partner in the eyes.

It shows you are sincere about pleasing him and have nothing to hide. You will also be able to tell if you are pleasing them.

Get in sync with your partners body.

Try to match your partner's rhythm and movements. It they speed up, speed up with them. If they slow down, then slow down as well.

Pay attention to what turns your partner on.

Knowing what your partner enjoys in the bedroom will keep him coming back for more.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Create Sacred Space

image photo : Drawing energy from sacred places

It can be hard to get a break from the stresses of everyday life. And when the world starts to wear us down, we need a place to retreat, relax, and recuperate. Perhaps you would like a nice, quiet place to meditate and pray. This is how you can create your sacred space.

Your sacred space should be a spot or rrom in the house away from noise and other distractions such as your husband, children, and outside noises such as cars going by.

Make sure your space is very clean and free of dust.

Decorate your space with art, figurines, incense, candles, and anything else that is sentimental to you.

let your family know that this space is off limits.

Attend to your space on a regular basis.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What Does Your Wardrobe Say About You?

Business man tie detailAt the barLong skirtJeansA red clothing girl of China

When you wear clothing that appeals to you and fits well, you automatically feel good, your posture improves, and you are more self-confident. So the next time you go shopping, ask yourself---what is my personality? When I go out, what do I want others to think about me? Will my attire convey this? Also, think about where you are going, the type of environment that you will be in, who will be there, whether you need to impress, and if you are comfortable.

How to Pick the Right Perfume

Applying Perfume 2

When entering a department store, we see lots of different fragrances to choose from, and most of them smell quite wonderful. But how do we choose the bottle that is right for us?  Ask yourself, who am I, or who would I like to become as you try it out. Also ask yourself, how do I feel or how would I like to feel? When trying to attract the opposite sex, ask yourself ---- what is it that I want my ideal partner to know about myself. perhaps you want him to know that you are wild, sensuous, or energetic. Give him a hintby choosing your scents accordingly.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Handle Rejection

You Got It! 2

Find out why you were rejected. There is a chance that it was something that can be easily corrected.

Determine if what you want is worth pursuining. If it is a job, think about whether or not you are a good fit for the position. If it is a lover, ask yourself if what he is finding fault with is something that you need to change.

Look elsewhere. Just because they rejected you dosen't mean that the next person will. Someone will aprreciate what you have to offer.

Step up Your Game. Don't just do what is required. Go the extra mile! you will be one up on the competition.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Is it Time for Your man to Go to the Dog House?

Reflective mood

Let's face it --- nobody is perfect. And the man in your life is no exception. Therefore, the question we must ask ourselves when he say or does something that will send us into high pissivity is whether or not his reedeming qualities will come thru before we kick him to the curb for good or if he just needs to be by himself for awhile. Mean while, here are a few things that your man should be doing before you let him come home.

He should be pinning away over losing your love.

If you are valuable to your man, he will be very upset about not being  able to see your face and not spending time with you. The idea of never seeing you again is unbearable.

He should be thinking about what a jerk he is.

He will hate himself for making you so upset. He will spend hours and days contemplating on how he will improve and win back your love.

He should be wondering what he will have to do to get you back.

Someone should be sending fresh flowers to your office very soon. Expect a greeting card in the mail. Or, an invitation from him to your favorite restaurant. Count on him making promises he can't keep. This is how bad he wants you back.

He should be thinking about all the ways the relationship can improve.

At this time he has probably been talking to his friends and family about the opposite sex in an effort to keep you if he gets you back.

He should be begging you for forgiveness and professing his undying love.

Expect the telephone to ring at odd times of the day or night. He can't think or be happy without you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Presenting the Best Father Award

Kissing Daddy

A real father helps take care of his children. they provide them with the things they want and need such as food, clothes, and shelter.

A real father shows his children love and affectionby patting them on the back, by simply smiling at them, and telling them how much they love them. he may give them pet names such as sweet cheeks or stinky pooh.

A real father disciplines and punishes his children when necessary even if it hurts him inorder to help thme to grow into mature and responsible adults.

A real father lends his children his ear. His children can talk to him about their problems without being judged or cast away. He gives advice out of love and concern for your wellbeing. he may teach you how to play basketball, how to shave, or he may try to braid your hair.

A real father is not perfect. sometimes he make mistakes and unintentuionally do or say things that hurt his children. However, he will apologize and try not to do it again. And no matter what happens---they will always put you first.

And the nominnes are...

Simple Ways to Enhance Your Mood

Woman Eating Apple

While it is impossible to hold on to any emotional state for a very long time, there are some simple and inexpensive ways to create a positive mood.

Add a splash of color to your home. Decorative pillows and curtains are an excellent way to enhance your mood. Fresh flowers, plants, and scented candles are also a way to liven your senses. However, make sure that the items you purchase are brand new. Used items hold the previous owners energy and will affect the atmosphere in your home.

Add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet instead of rich fattening desserts. The internet and several book stores can offer you information about books featuring low-fat recipes using delicious fruits such as strawberries, kiwis, and blue berries to name a few. You will also decrease your risk for health problems including diabetes.

Eat baked meat and fresh vegetables instead of fried foods. You want feel guilty about your weight or ruining your health.

Wear clothes that compliment your complexion and your body type. You will look and feel more attractive and self-confident.

Complete a task that you have been putting off for awhile. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and be motivated to do even more.