A real father helps take care of his children. they provide them with the things they want and need such as food, clothes, and shelter.
A real father shows his children love and affectionby patting them on the back, by simply smiling at them, and telling them how much they love them. he may give them pet names such as sweet cheeks or stinky pooh.
A real father disciplines and punishes his children when necessary even if it hurts him inorder to help thme to grow into mature and responsible adults.
A real father lends his children his ear. His children can talk to him about their problems without being judged or cast away. He gives advice out of love and concern for your wellbeing. he may teach you how to play basketball, how to shave, or he may try to braid your hair.
A real father is not perfect. sometimes he make mistakes and unintentuionally do or say things that hurt his children. However, he will apologize and try not to do it again. And no matter what happens---they will always put you first.
And the nominnes are...
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