Let's face it --- nobody is perfect. And the man in your life is no exception. Therefore, the question we must ask ourselves when he say or does something that will send us into high pissivity is whether or not his reedeming qualities will come thru before we kick him to the curb for good or if he just needs to be by himself for awhile. Mean while, here are a few things that your man should be doing before you let him come home.
He should be pinning away over losing your love.
If you are valuable to your man, he will be very upset about not being able to see your face and not spending time with you. The idea of never seeing you again is unbearable.
He should be thinking about what a jerk he is.
He will hate himself for making you so upset. He will spend hours and days contemplating on how he will improve and win back your love.
He should be wondering what he will have to do to get you back.
Someone should be sending fresh flowers to your office very soon. Expect a greeting card in the mail. Or, an invitation from him to your favorite restaurant. Count on him making promises he can't keep. This is how bad he wants you back.
He should be thinking about all the ways the relationship can improve.
At this time he has probably been talking to his friends and family about the opposite sex in an effort to keep you if he gets you back.
He should be begging you for forgiveness and professing his undying love.
Expect the telephone to ring at odd times of the day or night. He can't think or be happy without you.
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