Monday, December 30, 2013

Peachy Refreshing Cucumber Smoothie

1 cup fresh cucumber slices

2 cup  melon sliced

1 cup fresh peaches sliced
⅔ Cup real honey

2 cups crushed ice


Mix together all the ingredients in a blender until the drink is smooth. Pour into glasses. Enjoy

Saturday, December 28, 2013

10 most embarrissing moments and how to deal with them

Embarrassing moment

You were just about to make a purchase and realized you didn’t have any money.

What to do?

Smile at the customers behind you. Then smile and politely tell the cashier that you have forgotten your purse or wallet and you will have to cancel your transaction.

Embarrassing moment

You don’t have enough money to pay for your order while you are out on a date.

What to do?

Don’t panic? Politely excuse yourself from the table and ask to speak to manager. He/she will be able to tell you what you can do. Or try complaining about your meal in an effort to get away with out paying for it.

Embarrassing moment

You can’t hold your gas when someone else is approaching.

What to do?

Keep a straight face and look around the room as you walk off to keep everyone from knowing it was you. Or carry a small bottle of perfume or spray for this particular purpose.

Embarrassing moment

Someone asks you a question and you forgot to brush your teeth.

What to do?

Hold your breath as hard as you can as you respond. Or put your hands over your mouth as you respond and tell the person that you ate something that doesn’t smell all that great such as spicy lasagna.

Embarrassing moment

You are being watched by a woman who appears to think you are good looking and you almost tripped or fell.

What to do?

Jokingly tell her that you are still going through puberty. Or just get back up and keep moving as if nothing has happened.

Embarrassing moment

Your mate is smiling at another attractive individual

What to do?

Give this person a compliment. Smile along with them until they stop looking at them. Or if it takes too long, tell them that it is time to quit.

Embarrassing moment

Company comes over and your house is a mess.

What to do?

Pretend you are not at home and don’t even bother to look through the peep hole. Or tell them that you have been sick and wasn’t up to it.

Embarrassing moment

No one laughs at your jokes.

What to do?

Repeat the joke to make sure they heard you. Or even better admit that it wasn’t funny and begin working hard on a comeback. Then again you can try keeping a straight face from now on when you tell your jokes, just in case they didn’t know it was supposed to have been one.

Embarrassing moment

You are ignored by someone whom you are trying to speak.

What to do?

You can begin waving. Also, you can speak even louder in case they didn’t hear you. Or you can keep moving.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Avoid Blowing Up At Your Next Family Gathering

Acknowledge the ones that are responsible for putting the event together.

 Just because you are related to them and know them very well doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t give them their due respect. Show your appreciation for all the effort they put forth in order for you to have a good time.

Know the purpose of the family gathering

Did you come together to celebrate the holidays? If so, then deck the halls to be jolly or get the champagne flowing, etc. Or maybe you came together to celebrate a relative getting a good job or a good promotion. Either way it is a joyous occasion and should be treated as such.

Discuss any issues that you have been having with other family members in advance

Unless you are getting together for a knockout bash, work out your problems in advance. If you can’t---agree to get along for the sake of the other family members.

Leave your hang ups at the door

Right along with your coat, you should check your emotions at the door. This is not the time to grieve over what you feel your parents didn’t give you as a child. Nor is it the time to discuss deep family secrets.

Monitor your thoughts

Thoughts do travel. Thinking about how nasty your aunt’s potato salad tastes or how you wish your brother-in-law wouldn’t wear that ugly shirt again will definitely put a damper on the festivities.

Prep your guests before showing up
You may have told your mate or friends about all the evil things you perceive your relatives have done against you or said about you. And because they like you at least, they may want to defend you or get

revenge on your behalf. Let them know that this is not going to be the appropriate setting for such a thing and that they should be on their best behavior as well.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dinner Date Do's and Don'ts

Whipped Berry Surprise

2 containers of whip cream
1 container of pink sugar crystals
1 container of cherries
1 container of strawberries
1 container of rasberries
1 package of marshmallows
1 package of gummy bears

In a medium size container, add the whip cream. Next stir in all the other ingredients. Enjoy. Refrigerate leftovers in a storage container.

Chocolate Cookie Parfait


1 package13 oz short bread pecan cookies crumbled

1 package of shredded coconuts

2  (3.4 oz)  packages chocolate pudding

1 jar of fudge
1 container of whipped cream

 Prepare chocolate pudding according to package directions. In a champagne flute, add cookie crumbles to the bottom of the flute. Then continue to layer with cookies, chocolate pudding, shredded coconuts, and Hershey’s fudge. Top with whip cream.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Art of Drinking

Many people all over the world have had a beer or two at least. However, there is a way to drink beer just the same as it is a way of doing everything else. For example, always tip your glass over slightly to prevent getting too much fuss. Also, never gulp your beer down, but sip it slowly. Never drink more than your limit. And, don’t substitute drinking for dealing with your problems. Regular drinkers should always eat well-balanced nutritional meals.


Best beer just for the taste



Budweiser light


Miller lite

Milwaukee’s best light


Samuel Adams



Best beer for hanging out

Miller genuine draft beer

Bud ice



Best beer after a hard day of work




Michelob lager



Best beer for when you are having a hard time relaxing

Budweiser black crown

Schlitz high gravity lager


Colt 45 high gravity lager



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Does your mate find you boring?

They've stopped calling you

They constantly role their eyes when they see you

They look around the room while you are talking

They stopped including you in their activities

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to tell if she wants you

Got your eyes on a woman, but you don't know if she is interested in dating you. You would like to be sure before you get your hopes up.

You're hot if she continues to glance in your direction

She could be smiling for many different reasons. But, if she occassionally looks you in the eyes every so often, she could be signaling to you that she may be interested.

You're cold if she quicly turns her head away as you make eye contact or she frowns when you begin to approach her.

She may find you attractive, but she could be unavailable

You're hot if you have more than one chance encounter

She may not want to turn you off by coming on too strong. But if it seems you are seeing a lot more of each other lately, you very well could be!

You're cold if you have been seeing this woam a lot in certain places during certain times and she has changed her routine.

Again, this woman may find you attractive, but may be unavailable.

You're hot if she is comfortable chattingwith you once you strike up a conversation.

Otherwise she may appear to be deep in thought or display several nervous signs such as playing with her finger nails.

You're cold if she turns her back on you and walks off without looking back as you approach her

You're hot if she agrees to go out on a date with you

You're cold if she tells you that she would like to go out with you, but she doesn't know when she will have some free time on her hands

You're hot if she gives you her telephone number and it doesn't change on a regular basis.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

10 Snide remarks that you can't ignore

We all say things we don't mean when we are upset or in the heat of passion. But, sometimes the remarks we make to each other can be so cruel and painful that they cannot be overlooked or forgiven.

I don't like you anyway

I'll be glad when I can leave you alone

You're nothing but a whore

I hate you

You never do anything for me

I don't have any feelings for you

You shouldn't have let me get away with it

I don't care about anyone other than myself

You're stupid

I'm only here because I don't have anywhere else to go

Sunday, October 13, 2013

11 things that piss people off while they are out in the streets

People standing to close to their purse or bags

Someone continuing to flirt with them even after they have begun walking off

People making nasty comments about their purchases

People staring into their grocery carts

Drivers not paying attention to pedestrians walking by before backing out of a drive way or parking lot

Slow moving cars as the signs are about to change

Rude store clerks

People with bad body odors

Dog poop on the side walks

People almost bumping into them because they didn't watch where they were going

People taking their time leaving a parking space while other cars are waiting

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tackling relationship war

Everyone at some time in their lives desire to experience a close and lasting bond with their love partner. However, sometimes we can find it hard get along with each other.  This leaves us feeling hurt, angry, and confused. And as a result we argue and fight: often to the point that we can almost kill each other. Some of the reasons may be as follows:


Being dishonest

Because they fear they will not get what they want and need, many people lie about what they are willing or capable of offering to their partner. You and/or your partner may make promises that you can’t or won’t keep in order to receive the benefits of having the relationship. Often your actions are inconsistent with which you claimed.


Not knowing what you want or need

You lying piece of trash is what we often want to yell at our partner or I can’t believe this fool did this to me is what we find ourselves saying to our friends after it seems our lover has betrayed us once again. But the case may be that your partner thought they wanted or needed certain things from you and has realized that they don’t want or need them at all. For example, your mate may have told you when you first met that he likes a woman that will stay at home and raise his children. To the contrary, what he really wants or need is a woman who enjoys hanging out. Also sometimes we want or need things from our partners that are unhealthy for us and we do not feel good once we get these things from them.


Your partner has changed

Perhaps you and your mate enjoyed spending quiet nights in watching old comedies. But lately he has been spending more and more time away from the house. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your partner has a new lover. It could mean that they no longer enjoy the same activities that you do. In an effort to protect your feelings, they may not want to tell you this. They may fear the relationship is over because of this.


You may have too many unresolved issues
Many people are unable to get past the hurt they endured as a result of their upbringing or one or more bad relationship experience. And not only is it impossible, but it is also unfair for someone to ask their mate to go through it with them. When these people get past one bad experience or another, they are often unaware of why the situation existed or how they contributed to it. More than likely, they have a bad behavior problem or personality flaw stemming from some unconscious thoughts that they may be thinking.

Live a balanced life right now

Put your friends in their proper perspective

Tune up your brain on a regular basis

Remain aware of your emotional state

Get to know your wants and needs

Watch your money

Spend time out doors

Don't be afraid to try new things

Have a stress-free holiday

The holidays are a cause to celebrate life, giving, and sharing. However, many people are finding it hard to enjoy themselves and participate in the festivities. Some of the reasons why and what to do about them are listed below:

Buy gifts in advance

There are still many people who for some reason or another wait until the very last minute to do their holiday shopping. And as a result, they run into people who are anxious and upset to find gifts and items that their family and friends would enjoy or that they can afford to pay for. They sometimes end up spending a lot more money for these items because the sales have ended. Negative feelings are contagious and can leave you in a bad mood as well.

Go through your closet

You don't have to go shopping for a new outfit to impress your friends and family members. These people love you and probably don't care what you wear and long as you show up. The nice red dress that you wore last Christmas can easily look good with a blazer that you have worn to work.

Choose to visit relatives

Ask your family and friends what they are going to be spending their time on the holidays. Perhaps you discovered that your aunt  will be cooking this year and you can stay at her house.

Get the family to help out

Allow your husband to pick up ingredients that you  may have forgotten to put into your cart. Let your children retrieve the items that you will need from the refrigerator. If you have more than one child, this child can be responsible for emptying the trash.

Hold back on the drinks

Some people become overly emotional when they drink. Make sure you don't give them so much that they become intoxicated and ruin the festivities.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Signs Your Kids Have Been Experimenting With Drugs and Alcohol

Your child starts eating more often

Foul odor in the air

A notable change in their behavior

Their hang out partners appear much older than them

You find cigarette lighters and/or other drug paraphanelia in their pockets, purses, or other places

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What to do when your teenager talks to you about sex and dating

Emma remembers the day vividly. She had been listening to music and sipping on one of her favorite drinks---contemplating on why she was experiencing the dismal funk that had been keeping her company for the past few weeks on end. Several hours later (an hour or so past her curfew) her oldest daughter Sarah walked into the door. Emma was about to lecture her once again about being disobedient when she noticed the peculiar look on her daughter’s face.  “I want to start dating, I want to know if you will take me to the clinic to get birth control, I’m going on sixteen-years old and I think it’s time…” She continued on in this way for what seemed like forever as we played our game of charades. However, the room was dark so she couldn’t see my facial expression. This must be the reason she was so bold, I’m thinking.

If it had not been for the fact that I had just finished a drink and settled into bed, I would have been blasting all kinds of verbs into her face. However, I was able to calm down still wishing that I could turn around and go back to sleep. But, as I turned around to look at my daughter, I noticed she was turning into an adult. And, it is normal for teenagers her age to become interested in boys. I secretly gave her some dap for asking for birth control. It helped me to keep my sanity.

What is a date, I asked my daughter. Satisfied with the answer, I went on to tell her that just because she went out on a date with someone doesn’t mean he is her boyfriend. I then asked her if she has someone in particular in mind. Afraid for her fragile emotional state, I also went on to explain to her that just because she has a boyfriend doesn’t mean that he only wants to date just her.

What are your intentions with this guy, I asked. She went on to explain to me what boyfriends and girlfriends do together. I mentioned to her that most boys move on with their life fairly quickly after getting involved in a relationship and she shouldn’t become so emotionally involved at her age herself.

Because of the time of day, I ended the conversation at this point having every intention to pick it back up the next day without the influence of alcohol. The next day, I went to the library and checked out every book I could find on the subjects of dating and relationships.

Thus far no one has popped up at my front door claiming to be her knight and shining armor. But if he does, I have every intention on finding out who he is.

The names in this story have beenchanged to protect their privacy.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Can a single woman be satisfied without marriage?

By Anonymous


My belief has always been that walking down the aisle and exchanging wedding vows is not very important. I mean if we love each other and really want to be together, this should be enough for us to be able to cohabitate is what I had been thinking. I rationalized that marriage hasn’t kept couples from splitting up. And with the news mentioning the divorce rate along with the amount of people who talked about how quickly their relationship ended  after they became married, it was easy.

However, I couldn’t help but notice that within all my relationships, I continued to feel as if something was missing. And, this was even if the relationship seemed to be in pretty good shape. Perhaps, they were lying about how they felt about me or maybe I was sensing that they were incapable of having the relationship after it reached a certain point. But, then again, maybe it was the fact that we had not seriously discussed marriage or were not actually married is why this was the case. Because I had never been married before, I did not know the answer to this question.

Many men claim that they don’t want to remarry because of the problems they experienced with their wives. Lots of guys have told me that after they became married their wives treated them as if they owned them or that their wives never showed them any real love and affection. This only reinforced my belief that marriage is not important. I mean if they treated me well and pulled their fair share of the responsibilities then everything would be okay. Except for one thing---after a while I noticed that they would slack off or suddenly seem to lose interest shortly after we became “involved.” Could this be because I didn’t press them for another level of commitment?  Or because I told them that marriage was not important to me, they thought they could get away with doing or not doing certain things to keep the relationship intact.

I have been single for several years now. And, I keep myself busy by tending to my children and pursuing my goals and hobbies. Every once in a while I long for someone to come sweep me off my feet. This is until I remembered how hard it was for me to get back on my feet after the last prince charming did such a thing. But, I also remember the boredom that had begun to set in before I got dumped by some of my ex-boyfriends. A series of one night stands certainly didn’t do much to mend my broken heart.

I’ve learned to be happy with who I am and have gotten to enjoy my own company. I enjoy being able to cook, clean, and shower when I feel like it. But, every once in a while, I wish I had someone to help with the bills, empty the garbage, and help me discipline the children.

Friday, June 14, 2013

11 Thoughts men have that send them to relationship hell

I don't have to love my girlfriend

I can have more than one woman

This is a woman's job

It's okay for me to slack off in the bed, but my woman can't

I shouldn't have to pay child support because i'm already broke

I should be able to stick around because of the children

Sex is all a woman wants

I don't have to do anything to keep my girlfriend if she hasn't asked me to

A woman should be able to take care of herself

We are not involved in a relationship if I didn't ask you for one

It is okay to borrow money from another woman

Saturday, May 11, 2013

4 Reasons you may be alone right now


You may need this time to find out who you are and the direction in which your life may be heading. Sometimes we meet people whose only purpose in our lives is to help us find out certain things about our personality. Or they may present a situation or problem that we haven’t dealt with so that we may do so. Take care of yourself during this time. If you don’t like the person that you are or where you are in your life, change your behavior. Pay attention to the negative thoughts that you have been having that may have helped you get to this point. It can be a tedious and painful task. However, the benefits are worth your while.  When you know who you are and what you want, you are less likely to settle for much less.

You are boring

Our fear of being alone can cause us to hang out with people in which we have nothing in common. You may not share the same opinions, hobbies, or lifestyle. But we continue to hold on. It can be your girlfriend or your boyfriend--- but after a while it becomes painfully obvious that you are not meant to be around each other.  The end of the relationship is inevitable. Good places to make new friends are places where you enjoy hanging out.

You never pay your way

This one may not be as obvious as it should be. But, if you never have any money to pay your own way when you and your crew go to the nite club, grab a bite to eat, or go shopping at the mall it’s only a matter of time before they cut you loose. You become a burden instead of a delightful companion. And, it is unfair for them to have to worry about your finances. You become a user regardless of whether or not it is intentional. No one wants to be taken advantage of.

Pursing people who are unavailable
People who are unavailable can’t be relied on to be there when you need them. They could be missing physically or emotionally, but the fact still remains that you need someone. If the one you are pursuing is already involved in a relationship, there is a very good chance that they will not leave their primary relationship. And, if they do, they may be too upset about the breakup to stick around. It is impossible for you to get what the other woman is getting from him. Often when she demands respect, you will have to pretend you didn’t know there is a respect issue. When she demands real intimacy, you may have to settle for a quickie. If you see him on the holidays, he may be too upset about leaving his family to fully enjoy your company or you his. At some point you will have to decide you deserve better and walk away

Best Sex Substitutes


Ben and Jerry icecream

Steak and potatoes

Expensive wine


A day at the spa

Have to have a wonderful relationship with yourself

Acknowledge the fact that you are a human being.

Treat yourself with respect.

Do something loving for yourself each day.

Say nice things about yourself often.

Always be as honest as possible with yourself.


5 Things people do that keep them from receiving their blessings

Picking fun of other people

Doing so is tantamount to rejecting someone or some part of who they are. However, we are all interconnected and are capable of falling short of who we think we are or who we would like to be. Ever find yourself wondering how someone could do such a thing? Your higher power could very well grant you the opportunity to find out. So next time someone does something that irks you, make a mental note not to behave in the same way. But, resist the urge to put them down. Besides, they could have very good reasons for being the way they are.

Being pessimistic

You probably know one of these people, unfortunately. They never have anything positive to say. When people ask them who they are, they can never really come up with anything wonderful or unique to say. If you haven’t taken the time to discover your own good qualities, why should anyone else. Thus these people miss out on new opportunities such as the chance to make new friends or receive their dream job. When things appear to be going their way, they continue to dwell on the calamities that they expect to come to pass. And, this is even if the worst never happens. However, many times they manage to stay afloat. But magnificent blessings always seem to elude them.


Many people have been guilty of letting opportunities go by as they come up with one excuse or another for not handling their business. To their dismay, when they feel they are ready to move forward the opportunity is gone. First ask yourself if you welcome the opportunity to get what you want or need or if you are afraid to succeed. Just remember that you may never get the opportunity again.

Not letting go

Sometimes we have to give up on something in order to get something else. The good news is that when your higher power takes something away from us, he replaces it with something even better. Choosing not to relinquish those things or people who are no longer right for us can only leave us in limbo.

Being dishonest

This is akin to a new driver behind a steering wheel. The ride is never smooth. The driver struggles to stay within the lines, afraid to stop, but afraid to move forward. However, to their delight the ride gets a lot easier---only to sometimes find that they have run into a dead end road. When people are unable to tell the truth about what they want or need, they always have a desire to do something other than what they are already doing. It is not the same as the grass appearing greener on the other side---they can’t shake the feeling that something is severely missing form their life. They can’t move forward, but they can’t continue doing what they have been doing either. The result is confusion and inner turmoil. Only and only when they can admit the truth about what they want can they begin to find true happiness.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

How to care for your weave

As women,we enjoy being beautiful. And part of being beautiful includes the maintenance of our hair. But, sometimes ourhair can break under the pressure of al lthe combing, brushing, curling, and straightening using various appliances requiring heat. What's a girlto do? Hair weave has always been a fun and easy way to help save your hair while givingyou the extra length and style that you desire. However.there is a catch--- you must give your new tresses the same attention you would give your own hair. Here are some tips for manageable and healthy looking hair.

Make sure hiar is always oiled to keep it from drying out.

Constantly comb and brush your hair to keep it from tangling.

Use a good shampoo and conditioner as hair can become lack luster.

Apply heat only as necessary.

Teach your autistic child appropriate ways to display affection

Friday, March 29, 2013

How talk about your past relationships can ruin your date

They may be afraid you will be bad company

There’s a possibility that your potential date is in a bad mood and needs someone to make them feel better. Talking about your past relationships, good or bad, could make them feel even worse. They would rather spend their time and money on someone who is lively and bubbly.

They may think you are still in love with someone

Out of sight: out of mind is an old saying that is still proven to be the truth. If you are still mentioning your ex, your potential date might think you recently broke up with someone, and you will get back with them in the near future.

They may think you are lying about your age

Most daters alike (regardless of whether or not they are looking for along-term relationship or someone to hang out with) have learned not to give away too much information about their past relationships. Many people have made the mistake of trying to bond with a new lover by doing such a thing only to have them use the knowledge to hurt them in the future. Also, mature adults are supposed to be capable of putting their emotional state to the side.

They could know your ex

If your potential date suddenly grows quiet or if their demeanor changes after you mention someone in which you have had a relationship, it could be that they know each other. And, they could be too close of friends for you two to hang out. Or your ex could have a bad reputation, and your potential date may have begun judging you for choosing them as your mate.

They may think you are manipulative

Complaining about what your ex didn’t do or how bad they treated you or bragging about how good of a mate your ex was will not help you get anything from your potential date other than what they were willing to give to you. It will only cause you to appear to be someone who doesn’t know how to ask for what they want. It is unfair for them to have to take their place.

You seem to be beyond approach

Telling your potential date that you are always falling out with your friends and complaining about how bad you have been treated by them will not make you appear enduring. You seem to be someone who doesn’t take responsibilities for their actions and someone who doesn’t know themselves very well.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Benefits of a Live in Lover

He can lift and move heavy furniture and appliances

He can make repairs

He can help discipline the children

He can help you with your wardrobe

He can help you stay in shape

He can keepaway unwanted company

He can handle annoying telephone calls

How to Get Him to Fall in Love With You On Your First Date

When two people are attracted to each other, the right mood and elements can create the tone for love. So if you're interested in seeing a lot more of your date, the following will help you do just that.

Wear something sexy, provocative, and classy.

Men enjoy using their imaginations.

Open your ears

Men enjoy talking about themselves. So listen intentavley as he talks about his job, kids, family, and etc. Be sensitive towards his problems even though you barely know each other.

Make sure seductive music plays in the background

This definitely creates an atmosphere inwhich love can blossom

Don't be jealous

Avoid getting upset when he notices other good-looking woman or when he's nice to them. His mom may have put him up to it.

Play with him

Bat your eye lashes, cross your legs, or touch him on the back. Do things that let's him know you want him.


This let's him know that you are not uptight and know how to have a good time.

Talk about the activities and characteristics that you have in common

He'll feel as if he has met a buddy as well as a new girlfriend.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Spring cleaning---Get rid of it once and for all!

Everyone has some housekeeping to do. You know the routine throw this away, donate this, scrub that away. But, sometimes we have a hard time getting rid of things such as left over love, anger, depression and the like, and bad habits. We may think that we have, but later notice it's funk still hanging around. Here's how to let go for real and for good.

Pain from a broken heart

Your loved one has left you behind and it has become obvious that they are not interested in getting back with you. It can be hard to let go because of the emotional and sometimes financial investment that you have made within the relationship. But holding on to hope that you will reconciliate can only serve to keep you in pain. Begin to feel better by accepting the fact that your relationshipis over. You can do this by taking care of yourself, getting your needsmet by other people, and thinking about the qualities you would like your future mate to have. Getout ofthe house and start meeting new people right away!


There are many reasonswhy you are feeling down and in the dumps. Lack of exercise, poor diet, and negative thinking are all reasons why you may be finding it hard to get out of the bed and get your day going. Perhaps you have people in your life who are draining your energy by demanding too much mentally, physically, or financially. Give their burdens back to them by saying no. Replenish your energy by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, good carbohydrates, and drinking water.

Mental distress

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Instead of taking responsibility froour actions, we choose to blame other people strictly for what has happened to us or what didn't go down. We can't admit the truth about onething or another and find ourselves constantly building ahouse of lies that we will eventually have to dig our way from underneath. We choose to believethe negative things that people say about us and live our lives accordingly---never pursuing the things that we want and deserve. You don't have to become a prisonerof your own thoughts.Break free and stop torturing yourself by thinking healthy thoughts and behaving accordingly.


We dislike in other people sometimes the same qualities weareguilty of having. Everybody is human. We are all here to learn andgrow---like it or not. And we all make mistakes. We have to learn to be patient with each other and more understanding. So the next time someone pisses you off or makesyou want to scream, do what Whitley from the popular show It's a different world would do---relax, relate, andrelease.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

12 things people do that keep them broke


The economy has left many people depressed and confused about what to do next. However, there are many things that some people do that prevent them from being able to  make and keep money.

Spending money without budgeting

Not saving money for hard times

Buying inexpensive items just to save money

Neglecting to network

Allowing other people to borrow money without paying it back

Constantly focusing on petty matters

Being upset about paying for the things that you need

Hanging with people who have nothing to offer

Appearing to be broke

The inability to sell yourself

Lack of money making ideas

Not being able to prove yourself

Abusing drugs and alcohol

Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to create a lasting bond with your man

You got a good man. And you are interested in keeping him around for a while. Because the fact that you two like each other and really want to be together isn't enough, I have given you some tips that will help you to grow together as a couple.

Let him know that you like the opposite sex

Avoid making derogatory statements about men or alluding that you would like to be with a woman.

Show interest in his life

Don't just come around or call when you want or need something. Talk to your man just for the heck of it. Ask him about his day, his family, his job, and etc.

Keep things hopping in the bedroom

Men not only call woman who satisfy them in bed, but it also helps them to feel good about being around you.

Make him do right by you

Men can better enjoy the company of women who demand love and respect because he is not overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and shame about how he is treating you. It creates the right atmosphere for the relationship to grow.

Make sure he contributes appropriately to the household

A man takes his home and family more seriously if he is expected to split the bills in half, be concerned about your well being, and spend quality time as a family unit.

Let him know he is part of the family

Invite him to family gatherings and introduce him to your friends. Let him know what is going on as far as your clan is concerned. As him for his opinions about discipling the kids, decorating the home, meal planning, and spending money.

Introduce him to your children

Instead of only telling him their names and ages, talk to him about their personality, their likes and dislikes.

Monday, February 4, 2013

10 Things You Shouldn't Tell Your Woman

During the course of a heated argument, we sometimes say things that we don't really mean. However, men are more likely than women to say something that will really hurt. Infact, it can hurt so much that his woman will not be able to forgive him. Find out what they are and what the woman might be thinking.

If I get some money, I will make sure you are set before I leave.

This is fine if you are on the verge of breaking up, but not if you have just gotten involved.

I don't love you anymore.

This is akin to a knife through the heart.

I don't like you.

Complete and total rejection.

You're not pretty enough

Cupid come through please.

You're not sexy enough.

What happened to real love?

I want to have sex with other women.

Am I good enough or what.

Get an abortion.

You heartless bastard!

I had sex with your best friend.


You're stupid.

I should go back to kindergarten and you should beat me there.

You're a slut.

Who taught me how to be one?